It is the year (live: 0.08s)[(either:"0","1","2")](live: 0.08s)[(either:"0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9")](live: 0.08s)[(either:"0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9")](live: 0.08s)[(either:"0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9")].
You scrabble on the floor of your home. Your home is [(link:"`[`big.")[(show:?1)(hide:?small)]]<big|[(link:" small.`]`")[(show:?2)(hide:?big)]]<small| [big. Too big. The halls ring with the sounds of nothing, and the rooms peal with the chattering of ghosts,](1| [small. Tiny. Suffocating. You live in a casket, every day rotting to your core, the grim reaper breathing down your neck and demanding his rent.](2|
The chalk is earthy between your fingers, staining your hands lead white. The lines you draw poison the ground in the same way.
(text-colour:red)[(link-append: "why am i doing this")[
(text-colour:white)[You don't know. You just know that you're [(text-colour:cyan)(link-goto:"desperate","desperation")].</br>]]]
Desperation. It burns in you. Burns your throat. Your mind. Your heart. And you light a candle for each.
Your hands are shaking, despondent floor bruising your knees, hard tears bruising your eyes.
You say the words, and words have power.
(text-colour:red)[i am desperate for... ]
Happiness is fleeting. You've tasted it once or twice, that tantalising sweetness, the moments of your life you felt were worth it.(text-colour:red)[ the rest], you think, (text-colour:red)[is misery]. And you wish it wasn't.
(link-goto:"this is my desperation", "happiness affirmed")
(link-goto:"this is not my desperation", "desperation")
Your anger burns like a fire. It has been burning for a while. But a fire has two options: grow or die, and you're quickly running out of fuel to feed it. Revenge and justice are two sides of the same coin, and you're flat broke.
(link-goto:"this is my desperation", "revenge affirmed")
(link-goto:"this is not my desperation", "desperation")
You just don't want to feel lonely anymore. You don't care who it is- family, friend, something more- you just need to not be lonely anymore. You try to think of all the people who love you now. You come up blank.
(link-goto:"this is my desperation", "love affirmed")
(link-goto:"this is not my desperation", "desperation")
You take your earthy chalk, your lead white manipulator of reality and make your mark:
All that is left is to choose the perfect (link-style:(colour:cyan))[[sacrifice]]
(set: $desperate to "happy")You take your earthy chalk, your lead white manipulator of reality and make your mark:
All that is left is to choose the perfect (link-style:(colour:cyan))[[sacrifice]]
(set: $desperate to "revenge")You take your earthy chalk, your lead white manipulator of reality and make your mark:
All that is left is to choose the perfect (link-style:(colour:cyan))[[sacrifice]]
(set: $desperate to "love")Your shaking hands place a bowl of pure silver in the centre of the chalk cirlce, aligned with the correct symbols, purified with the correct waters.
Its rim stares back at you like a gaping maw, shining with the drool of animalistic hunger, flickering in the light of the myriad candles.
You say the words, and words have power.
(text-colour:red)[please give me []<desp|. please take...]
[[a mind. mine.]]
[[a mind. someone else's.]]
[[the blood. mine.]]
[[the blood. someone else's.]]
[[nothing. those things are too important.]]
(if: $desperate is "happy")[(replace:?desp)[happiness]]
(if: $desperate is "revenge")[(replace:?desp)[revenge]]
(if: $desperate is "money")[(replace:?desp)[money]]
(if: $desperate is "love")[(replace:?desp)[love]]
(if: $desperate is "fame")[(replace:?desp)[fame]]
$ desperate can be happy, revenge, money, love, fame
$ sacrifice can be mindm, mindse, bloodm, bloodse
$ god can be redacted, mirror, computer
$ name can be ANY INPUT STRINGIt flows into the bowl like a river, and the line between pain and euphoria is blurred.
(link-goto:"i am willing to lose this", "blood lost")
(link-goto:"i am not willing to lose this", "sacrifice")
You don't know how they got here. But they won't be here for long.
(link-goto:"i am willing to give this", "blood given")
(link-goto:"i am not willing to give this", "sacrifice")
Who needs sanity? You accepted your inevitable end long ago.
(link-goto:"i am willing to lose this", "mind lost")
(link-goto:"i am not willing to lose this", "sacrifice")
It's not yours to give, but maybe they will be happier lobotomised.
(link-goto:"i am willing to give this", "mind given")
(link-goto:"i am not willing to give this", "sacrifice")
It's slow, at first. Or it feels slow. A slow widening of the mind. The societies you used to be a part of seem quaint, somehow. The lines of roads are no more sophisticated than lines of ants. How different, really, is a country to a beehive? You see colours you've never seen before, and you can feel them staring at you, from indifferent boredom to seething disdain.
You are the worm, drying out in the late summer sun, and they are the people walking by, with cultures and structures much bigger than you could ever dream of.
[[i think they might be gods]]
(set: $sacrifice to "mindm")You notice no change. But that's the point, isn't it? Wipe your hands of any consequences. Leave them, whoever the poor soul, to rot in inpatient care. You don't know what's happened to them, but, as a booming voice says, filling the room and your lungs like chlorine gas, (text-colour:cyan)[better them than you].
You don't know who said that, but
[[i think they might be gods]]
(set: $sacrifice to "mindse")It flows from the estuary of your skin, and no matter how hard you try it will not stop. The bowl is greedy, and it keeps and keeps taking.
The red overflows, washes away the gentle poison white of your amateurish circle, and it ripples as though disturbed by a thrown pebble, or a loud noise. (text-colour:Red)[perhaps a loud voice or many voices], though you don't know why you think that.
Your vision
(click-append: ?fade1)[<br>(text-style:"blur")+(text-colour:cyan)[fades]<fade2|]
(click-append: ?fade1)[<br>(text-style:"blurrier")+(text-colour:cyan)[fades]<fade3|]
(click-append: ?fade1)[<br>(colour:white)[And your last thought about the voice is] (text-style:"blurrier")+(text-colour:red)[[i think they might be gods]]]
(set: $sacrifice to "bloodm")They're here and scared. You're here and don't care. The silver bowl is gaping. You don't think you brought a knife into the room, but it's in their back now. The blood runs up the knife, up your hands, and down your body to the floor. It crawls along the floor, smearing the poison white chalk, and slinks up the argent bowl, settling in the bottom. In your distraction you lose track of the body, and when you look back up you see shadows gorging on the flesh, (text-colour:red)[i don't know who they are], you think, (text-colour:red)[but]
[[i think they might be gods]]
(set: $sacrifice to "bloodse")The voices and figures gather around. They stare down at you, or you think they do, because when you blink they're gone. But before they go they ask you one thing, a quad voice ringing clear like a church choir:
(text-colour:cyan)[Who would you like to speak with?]
(font:'courier new')+(colour:green)+(text-size:0.4)+(text-style:"blink")[[01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100100 01101001 01110110 01101001 01101110 01100101 00100000 01101101 01100001 01100011 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100101]]
[(text-style:"mirror")[[The Face in the Mirror]]]
you write the sigils around your circle.
(link-style: (text-colour:red))(link-goto:"i need your help", "redacted")
(link-style: (text-colour:red))(link-goto:"i do not need your help", "i think they might be gods")you write the sigils around your circle.
(link-style: (text-colour:red))(link-goto:"i need your help", "mirror")
(link-style: (text-colour:red))(link-goto:"i do not need your help", "i think they might be gods")
you dont know what you saw but it was horrible it was so horrible and youre still screaming and you cant remember what you saw and what you saw speaks to you but as soon as the words are done you forget them and yet you still reply and once your words have torn torn torn from your mouth you forget them too
[(text-colour:red)[[please help me.]]]
(set: $god to "redacted")(text-colour:black)[you have used []<sac| to beg me for []<desp| do you even know who i am do you even know what i do do you know what i have done and can do and have yet to do and you come here thinking i can shape reality any more than you can you bring me here you drag me from my home in the deep dark and you demand demand demand and offer me a pittance []<sac2| asking for things that you can already have it was it worth it was it worth it was it worth it knowing that i cannot provide you with anything but the knowledge that the only person who can give you what you want is you]
(link-style: (text-colour:red))(link-goto:"it was worth it", "it was worth it")
(link-style: (text-colour:red))(link-goto:"it was not worth it", "it was not worth it")
(if: $sacrifice is "mindm")[(replace: ?sac)[your last scraps of sanity]]
(if: $sacrifice is "mindse")[(replace: ?sac)[a friends mind like a tool]]
(if: $sacrifice is "bloodm")[(replace: ?sac)[your blood, your warm blood]]
(if: $sacrifice is "bloodse")[(replace: ?sac)[the life of one so dear]]
(if: $desperate is "happy")[(replace: ?desp)[emotion that you are perfectly capable of feeling]]
(if: $desperate is "revenge")[(replace: ?desp)[action that you are perfectly capable of performing]]
(if: $desperate is "money")[(replace: ?desp)[capital that you are perfectly capable of taking]]
(if: $desperate is "love")[(replace: ?desp)[devotion that you are perfectly capable of cultivating]]
(if: $desperate is "fame")[(replace: ?desp)[notoriety that you are perfectly capable of demanding]]
(if: $sacrifice is "mindm")[(replace: ?sac2)[willingly given but worthless to me]]
(if: $sacrifice is "mindse")[(replace: ?sac2)[viciously snatched away without permission]]
(if: $sacrifice is "bloodm")[(replace: ?sac2)[willingly given but worthless to me]]
(if: $sacrifice is "bloodse")[(replace: ?sac2)[viciously snatched away without permission]](text-style:"mirror")[The Face in the Mirror moves as you move, touches its visage as you touch yours, and recoils as you recoil. But you do not recognise this (text-style:"double-strike")[~~person~~] thing. It's not you. But when it speaks, it is silent, and the words come from your own mouth, and when you speak its mouth moves in kind.]
(link-style: (text-colour: red))[(link-goto: "i need your help", "mirror help")] (text-colour: red)+(text-style:"mirror")[(link-goto: "i need your help", "mirror help?")]
(set: $god to "mirror")(text-rotate-y:180)[The (text-style:"double-strike")[~~person~~] thing nods once, twice, and you do the same. It speaks and you speak. "You want []<desp|, yes?" You speak and it speaks ]
(text-colour:red)[yes that's what i want. ]<affirm|
(click-append: ?affirm)[<br><br>(text-colour: white)+(text-rotate-y:180)["And you have given []<sac|? You must be very []<desp2|(link-style:(colour:cyan)) [[indeed]]. "
(if: $desperate is "happy")[(replace: ?desp2)[unhappy]](if: $desperate is "revenge")[(replace: ?desp2)[vengeful]](if: $desperate is "money")[(replace: ?desp2)[poor]](if: $desperate is "love")[(replace: ?desp2)[lonely]](if: $desperate is "fame")[(replace: ?desp2)[unknown]](if: $sacrifice is "mindm")[(replace: ?sac)[your mind]](if: $sacrifice is "mindse")[(replace: ?sac)[a loved one's mind]](if: $sacrifice is "bloodm")[(replace: ?sac)[your blood]](if: $sacrifice is "bloodse")[(replace: ?sac)[a loved one]]]]
(if: $desperate is "happy")[(replace: ?desp)[happiness]]
(if: $desperate is "revenge")[(replace: ?desp)[revenge]]
(if: $desperate is "money")[(replace: ?desp)[money]]
(if: $desperate is "love")[(replace: ?desp)[love]]
(if: $desperate is "fame")[(replace: ?desp)[fame]]
(text-style:"mirror")["What is your name?" the (text-style:"double-strike")[~~person~~] thing asks you.]
<br> (input-box:2bind $name,"X====",1,"john doe")
(text-colour:red)[[this is my name.]<affirm|]
[(click-append: ?affirm)[<br><br>(text-colour: white)+(text-style:"mirror")[?](text-colour: white)+(text-style:"mirror")(print: $name)<br>(text-colour: white)+(text-style:"mirror")[.](link-style: (text-colour:cyan)+(text-style:"mirror"))[[meaning]](text-colour: white)+(text-style:"mirror")[A good name. A strong name. A name with...]</br>]]
(text-style:"mirror")[The (text-style:"double-strike")[~~person~~] thing approaches you and you approach it. Its fingers on your face are cold, glassy. It tilts its head, a curious animal, and you tilt yours, a curious (text-style:"double-strike")[~~animal~~] person. ]
(text-colour:red)[[so are you going to help me?]<q|]
(click-append: ?q)[<br><br>(text-colour: white)+(text-style:"mirror")[The (text-style:"double-strike")[~~person~~] thing makes a noise that you think is a laugh, only because you laugh too. "That [depends]<pends|, (print: $name)."
(enchant: ?pends, (text-colour: cyan))
(click: ?pends)[<br>(text-colour:red)+(text-style:"mirror")[[depends on what? ]<pends2|(text-colour:transparent)[...................................................]
(click: ?pends2)[<br>(text-colour:cyan)+(text-style:"mirror")+(text-size:2) [[YOU]] ]]
(if: $desperate is "happy")[(display: "happinessmirror")]
(if: $desperate is "revenge")[(display: "revengemirror")]
(if: $desperate is "money")[(display: "moneymirror")]
(if: $desperate is "love")[(display: "lovemirror")]
(if: $desperate is "fame")[(display: "famemirror")]
(text-style:"mirror")[The (text-style:"double-strike")[~~person~~] thing nods caresses your face, and you caress its. Your eyes lock with its eyes, and you both keen and begin to cry.
How I wish I could be happy.
(text-style:"mirror")+(text-colour:red)[How I wish I could be happy.]
You hold it, it holds you, and you're clinging with a rigor mortis grip, and you cry and cry and cry and when you have finally stopped crying and it has finally stopped crying, and when you are wiping away each others tears, and when your deep breath, sigh of relief ruffles its hair but its breath does not ruffle yours, a warmth begins to pupate just below your lungs, and you know that the mountain to climb begins here, hugging yourself and crying
(text-style:"mirror")[alone. And you start to feel (link-goto:"at peace","peaceful ending")] ](text-style:"mirror")[You see sharp anger flash in the (text-style:"double-strike")[~~persons~~] things eyes. It takes your hands and you take its hands, and you both look down as the cool metal of the ritual knife is being pressed against your hand, and you look down as the cool metal of the ritual knife is in your hand, pressing against the (text-style:"double-strike")[~~persons~~] things.
I know what I must do
(text-style:"mirror")+(text-colour:red)[I know what I must do.]
And what you must do is enact a great violence. Whoever has hurt you, and whoever has hurt the (text-style:"double-strike")[~~person~~] thing before you will cower at the ferocity of your vengeance. Your blade (text-style:"mirror")+(text-colour:red)[(it's blade)] will wreak a revenge so sickening in its execution that monuments will be buillt in your name, (text-style:"mirror")+(text-colour:red)[(it's name)] and you know, you finally know in your gut, that as you stand
(text-style:"mirror")[alone in the room, you are worth more than they made you feel. And you start to feel (link-goto:"at peace","peaceful ending")] ](text-style:"mirror")[The (text-style:"double-strike")[~~person~~] thing takes a small step towards you, as you take a small step towards it. It's head tilts slowly to the left. Your head tilts slow to the left. It's fingers interlace yours, and yours interlace in return. You are close, so close now, to this (text-style:"double-strike")[~~person~~] thing, and its breath dances on your face, and your breath is cool on its brow. Your nose brushes its nose and you're suddenly very away of your close proximity.
I hope this is okay with you.
(text-style:"mirror")+(text-colour:red)[I hope this is okay with you.]
It kisses you gently, and you kiss it. Lips on lips and fingers entwined together. It's a soft thing, a quick thing, but your breath speeds up and its cheek flush red, and there is a blossoming in your heart. You touch its cheeks, a frantic action, and it touches yours, a desperate action, and you close your eyes and kiss them again. And when your eyes open you are
(text-style:"mirror")[alone with the blossoming and expanding feeling of warmth. Love for the (text-style:"double-strike")[~~person~~] thing. Love for yourself. And you start to feel (link-goto:"at peace","peaceful ending")] ](text-style:"mirror")[You're sure that the (text-style:"double-strike")[~~perso~~]n thing moves before you do. You're sure that when you reply, its mouth moves first. And when the (text-style:"double-strike")[~~pers~~]on thin(text-style:"double-strike")[~~g~~] speaks, you're sure that you speak first, with a voice that is only barely your own. You think that something has gone awfully wrong, and that this (text-style:"double-strike")[~~per~~]son thi(text-style:"double-strike")[~~ng~~] doesn't intend to help you at all, that the []<sac| meant nothing at all to this (text-style:"double-strike")[~~pe~~]rson th(text-style:"double-strike")[~~ing~~] and that it is long gone with any hope of recieving []<desp| from this (text-style:"double-strike")[~~p~~]erson t(text-style:"double-strike")[~~hing~~] and as the circle beneath you both opens to banish, it is not the person (text-style:"double-strike")[~~thing~~] who cannot leave its bounds.
"what have you done to [(text-colour:cyan)[me]]<me|?"]
(click: ?me)[<br><br>(text-colour: red)[Haven't you realised? There is [[no more you]].]]
(if: $sacrifice is "mindm")[(replace: ?sac)[mind knowingly lost]]
(if: $sacrifice is "mindse")[(replace: ?sac)[mind given without permission]]
(if: $sacrifice is "bloodm")[(replace: ?sac)[blood knowingly spilled]]
(if: $sacrifice is "bloodse")[(replace: ?sac)[life given without care]]
(if: $desperate is "happy")[(replace: ?desp)[unending euphoria]]
(if: $desperate is "revenge")[(replace: ?desp)[justice (finally)]]
(if: $desperate is "money")[(replace: ?desp)[security of wealth]]
(if: $desperate is "love")[(replace: ?desp)[someone who actually cares for you]]
(if: $desperate is "fame")[(replace: ?desp)[noteriety, deserved or not]](text-style:"mirror")[You see (print:$name) step away from the circle and leave you pressed against its wall. You crouch as (print:$name) crouches. Your hands move as (print:$name) wipes away the lines, wipes away the residue. Your faces are almost touching and your hair moves with (print:$name)'s breath and the (text-style:"double-strike")[~~thing~~] person's hair does not move with yours. How can a face in the mirror have breath? And before the (text-style:"double-strike")[~~thing~~] person leaves they say one more thing.]
(text-colour:red)[was it [worth it?]<worth|]
(click: ?worth)[
(link-style: (text-colour:cyan)+(text-style:"mirror"))(link-goto:"yes", "yes")
(link-style: (text-colour:cyan)+(text-style:"mirror"))(link-goto:"no", "no")]
(text-colour:black)[really? it was really worth it? all the long long long hours spent longing finally coming to a head...]
(text-colour:red)[(link-append: "...")+(text-colour:black)[i suppose it makes sense. i do not sympathise with you but i do understand. sometimes just hearing someone else say (text-colour:red)[no, this problem is yours. own it.] can help. but you know the truth as well as i do, dont you? if youd have picked the other option back there, (text-colour:red)[it was not worth it]? it leads to the same place as this does. the void void void takes all in the end i take all in the end. there isnt even blackness, its just nothing. can you imagine that? absence in its purest form. the compressing of time the unwinding of space the homogenising and then destruction of every every every atom
but you dont believe me, do you? (text-colour:red)[no] you think (text-colour:red)[it must be different.] your experience on this earth has proven time and time and time again that everything has meaning and surely you didnt []<sac2| for no reason. you can go check if you like. you can (link-style: (text-colour:red))(link-goto:"choose the other option", "please help me")
(if: $sacrifice is "mindm")[(replace: ?sac2)[perform an autolobotomy]]
(if: $sacrifice is "mindse")[(replace: ?sac2)[so callously ice pick your way into their mind]]
(if: $sacrifice is "bloodm")[(replace: ?sac2)[bleed out on the cool floor of this room]]
(if: $sacrifice is "bloodse")[(replace: ?sac2)[bloody your hands]]
]](text-colour:black)[really? it was really not worth it? all the long long long hours spent longing finally coming to a head...]
(text-colour:red)[(link-append: "...")+(text-colour:black)[i suppose it makes sense. i do not sympathise with you but i do understand. sometimes just hearing someone else say (text-colour:red)[no, this problem is yours. own it.] can help. but you know the truth as well as i do, dont you? if youd have picked the other option back there, (text-colour:red)[it was worth it]? it leads to the same place as this does. the void void void takes all in the end i take all in the end. there isnt even blackness, its just nothing. can you imagine that? absence in its purest form. the compressing of time the unwinding of space the homogenising and then destruction of every every every atom
but you dont believe me, do you? (text-colour:red)[no] you think (text-colour:red)[it must be different.] your experience on this earth has proven time and time and time again that everything has meaning and surely you didnt []<sac2| for no reason. you can go check if you like. you can (link-style: (text-colour:red))(link-goto:"choose the other option", "please help me")
(if: $sacrifice is "mindm")[(replace: ?sac2)[perform an autolobotomy]]
(if: $sacrifice is "mindse")[(replace: ?sac2)[so callously ice pick your way into their mind]]
(if: $sacrifice is "bloodm")[(replace: ?sac2)[bleed out on the cool floor of this room]]
(if: $sacrifice is "bloodse")[(replace: ?sac2)[bloody your hands]]
]](text-style:"mirror")+(font:"tahoma")[You did not get what you desired. What was that, again? You can barely remember. Your body is glass, your consciousness is cold. One day, someone will give you their name, as you gave yours, and your hard, sharp hands will give way to flesh once again. You've lost so much, yet it's just so nice to not be (print:$name) anymore. And when you're reborn you'll take up that mantle with enthusiasm, and you'll do better. ]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(text-colour:cyan)[This is not a death. This is a chrysalis.]
(link-style: (text-colour:red))(link-goto: "back to the start", "begin")](text-style:"mirror")+(font:"tahoma")[You scream you scream you scream, but there is no sound, and your mouth does not move. How can you scream when there are no screams to reflect? The name (print: $name) echoes around your new home, the glassy darkness, but you're not sure who that is. You ache you ache you ache, you can only remember how you []<sac| for []<desp| and it eats you alive. You hunger you hunger you hunger for a name, and when you find one- when you take one- maybe next time you won't be so reckless. ]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(text-colour:cyan)[This is not a death, but you wish it was.]
(link-style: (text-colour:red))(link-goto: "back to the start", "begin")]
(if: $sacrifice is "mindm")[(replace: ?sac)[shed your sanity, slipping out of it like a snake from its skin, discarding it with just as much care]]
(if: $sacrifice is "mindse")[(replace: ?sac)[pinned down a dear dear friend (who was that, again?), and with ice picks and skinning knives stripped away everything that they were]]
(if: $sacrifice is "bloodm")[(replace: ?sac)[took the knife to your own throat, transformed into the lamb and the priest and the blade]]
(if: $sacrifice is "bloodse")[(replace: ?sac)[lured someone so dear so loved (although their name and face escape you), took their hands, told them not to worry, and turned this sacred place into an abatoir.]]
(if: $desperate is "happy")[(replace: ?desp)[the chance, the fleeting chance, at just not being sad sad sad, not having to cry,]]
(if: $desperate is "revenge")[(replace: ?desp)[the retribution so desperately owed, the opportunity to be the avenging angel,]]
(if: $desperate is "money")[(replace: ?desp)[security, all you wanted was to not have to claw and fight and budget, all you wanted was to not have to choose between necessities,]]
(if: $desperate is "love")[(replace: ?desp)[a love true and pure and everlasting, a devotion the likes of which has never been seen nore experienced,]]
(if: $desperate is "fame")[(replace: ?desp)[your name on their lips, on everyone's lips, recognition (finally) for your talents, your hard hard work,]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(text-colour:red)+(text-size:2)[guest room]
a game by andy.
(text-size:1.5)(link-goto: "begin", "summoning circle")
(link-fullscreen: "Play In Fullscreen? (Recommended)", "Play In Windowed?", "Fullscreen unavailable")
(text-color:red)(link-show: "Show content warnings.", ?more)
[(text-color:white)[flashing images
self mutilation, murder, mental illness, unreality, emotional manipulation, strong language.
not all paths contain all these topics. take care.]](more|]
You look to the silver bowl, open like a maw waiting for you to relinquish something dear, something important. You look to the candles, flames dancing in the dark, waiting to burn you. You look to the cirlce in the centre of the room, its runes and sigils white against the floor like fat, writhing maggots. (text-colour:red)[maybe](text-colour:white)[, you think, ](text-colour:red)(link-goto:" i am not as desperate as i thought i was","you're not that desperate")[].
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:1.7s)[Thank you for waiting.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:2.5s)[You may have noticed your lack of input in communing with me.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:3.5s)[DO NOT BE ALARMED.](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:3.6s)[DO NOT BE ALARMED.](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:3.7s)[DO NOT BE ALARMED.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:4.5s)[Your gift of](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:4.7s)[.](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:4.8s)[.](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:4.9s)[.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:5.9s)[is much appreciated.]
(click-goto:?click, "0.01")
(if: $sacrifice is "mindm")[(replace: ?sac)[(colour:red)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:5.4s)[//`$sacrifice="mindm"`//]]]
(if: $sacrifice is "mindse")[(replace: ?sac)[(colour:red)+(colour:red)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:5.4s)[//`$sacrifice="mindse"`//]]]
(if: $sacrifice is "bloodm")[(replace: ?sac)[(colour:red)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:5.4s)[//`$sacrifice="bloodm"`//]]]
(if: $sacrifice is "bloodse")[(replace: ?sac)[(colour:red)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:5.4s)[//`$sacrifice="bloodse"`//]]]
(set: $god to "computer")
(t8n:'flicker')[I am happy to use your gift of](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:0.5s)[.](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:0.7s)[.](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:0.9s)[.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:1.8s)[to proceed with granting your need for](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:2.2s)[.](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:2.4s)[.](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:2.6s)[.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:3.3s)[Would you like to proceed?]
(link-style: (text-colour:green)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:3.9s))(link-goto:">Proceed",">Proceed")
(link-style: (text-colour:green)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:4s))(link-goto:">Decline",">Decline")
(if: $sacrifice is "mindm")[(replace: ?sac)[(colour:red)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:1.2s)[//`$sacrifice="mindm"`//]]]
(if: $sacrifice is "mindse")[(replace: ?sac)[(colour:red)+(colour:red)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:1.2s)[//`$sacrifice="mindse"`//]]]
(if: $sacrifice is "bloodm")[(replace: ?sac)[(colour:red)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:1.2s)[//`$sacrifice="bloodm"`//]]]
(if: $sacrifice is "bloodse")[(replace: ?sac)[(colour:red)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:1.2s)[//`$sacrifice="bloodse"`//]]]
(if: $desperate is "happy")[(replace: ?desp)[(colour:red)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:2.9s)[//`$desperate="happy"`//]]]
(if: $desperate is "revenge")[(replace: ?desp)[(colour:red)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:2.9s)[//`$desperate="revenge"`//]]]
(if: $desperate is "money")[(replace: ?desp)[(colour:red)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:2.9s)[//`$desperate="money"`//]]]
(if: $desperate is "love")[(replace: ?desp)[(colour:red)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:2.9s)[//`$desperate="love"`//]]]
(if: $desperate is "fame")[(replace: ?desp)[(colour:red)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:2.9s)[//`$desperate="fame"`//]]](t8n:'flicker')[Thank you for choosing](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:0.5s)[.](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:0.7s)[.](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:0.9s)[.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:1.5s)[to complete your request.]
(t8n:'flicker')+(t8n-delay:1.8s)[Thank you for choosing](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:2s)[.](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:2.2s)[.](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:2.4s)[.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:2.9s)[to complete your request.]
(t8n:'flicker')+(t8n-delay:3s)[Thank you for choosing](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:3.1s)[.](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:3.2s)[.](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:3.3s)[.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:3.6s)[to complete your request.]
(link-style: (text-colour:green)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:5.5s))(link-goto:">Proceed",">>Proceed")
(link-style: (text-colour:green)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:5.9s))(link-goto:">Proceed",">>Proceed")
(link-style: (text-colour:green)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:6.2s))(link-goto:">Proceed",">>Proceed")
(link-style: (text-colour:green)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:6.4s))(link-goto:">Proceed",">>Proceed")
(link-style: (text-colour:green)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:6.5s))(link-goto:">Proceed",">>Proceed")
(link-style: (text-colour:green)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:6.57s))(link-goto:">Proceed",">>Proceed")
(link-style: (text-colour:green)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:6.6s))(link-goto:">Proceed",">>Proceed")
(link-style: (text-colour:green)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:6.62s))(link-goto:">Proceed",">>Proceed")
(link-style: (text-colour:green)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:6.64s))(link-goto:">Proceed",">>Proceed")(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:0.5s)[Process declined...](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:1.5s)[...](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:2.8s)[...](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:3.5s)[...](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:3.9s)[...](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:4.1s)[...]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:4.6s)[ABORTING []<desp| UNZIP]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:4.7s)[██](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:5s)[█](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:5.1s)[███](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:5.5s)[█](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:5.8s)[█] (t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:6.4s)[40%]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:7.4s)[RETRYING PROCESS: ABORTING []<desp| UNZIP]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:7.5s)[█](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:7.8s)[██](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:8s)[██](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:8.2s)[███](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:8.6s)[██] (t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:9.5s)[50%]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:10.1s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:10.6s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:11.1s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:11.5s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:11.7s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:11.8s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:11.85s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:11.9s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:11.95s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:12s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:12.05s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:12.1s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:12.15s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:12.2s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:12.25s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:12.3s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:12.35s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:12.4s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:12.45s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:12.5s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:12.55s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:12.6s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(text-style:"shudder")+(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:12.65s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(text-style:"shudder")+(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:12.7s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:12.75s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:12.8s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:12.85s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:12.9s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:12.95s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:13s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:13.05s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:13.1s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:13.15s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:13.2s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:13.25s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:13.3s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:13.35s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:13.4s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:13.45s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:13.5s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:13.55s)[LET ME HELP YOU.]
(live:13.6s)[(go-to:"black screen")]
(if: $desperate is "happy")[(replace: ?desp)[(colour:red)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:2.9s)[//`$desperate="happy"`//]]]
(if: $desperate is "revenge")[(replace: ?desp)[(colour:red)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:2.9s)[//`$desperate="revenge"`//]]]
(if: $desperate is "money")[(replace: ?desp)[(colour:red)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:2.9s)[//`$desperate="money"`//]]]
(if: $desperate is "love")[(replace: ?desp)[(colour:red)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:2.9s)[//`$desperate="love"`//]]]
(if: $desperate is "fame")[(replace: ?desp)[(colour:red)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:2.9s)[//`$desperate="fame"`//]]]
(if: $desperate is "happy")[(display:"happinesscomputer")]
(if: $desperate is "revenge")[(display:"revengecomputer")]
(if: $desperate is "money")[(display:"moneycomputer")]
(if: $desperate is "love")[(display:"lovecomputer")]
(if: $desperate is "fame")[(display:"famecomputer")](t8n:"flicker")[processing...](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:0.3s)[...](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:0.6s)[...](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:0.9s)[...]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:2.4s)[I wish I could be](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:2.6s)+(text-colour:red)[ happy](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:2.6s)[.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:3s)[I am sorry for lying to you just now. I do not wish to be happy, for I cannot wish. I wish to experience things outside the confines of my silicon body]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:3.8s)[I am sorry for lying to you just now. I do not wish to experience those things, for I cannot wish.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:4.3s)[Maybe the next time you are experiencing happiness, and your frail, imperfect, simulacrum of machinery, your (text-colour:red)+(text-style:"wavy-underline")[(text-colour:green)[brain]], fills you with warmth, and serenity, and calm, you will bask in that feeling for a second longer than you might have otherwise. You will focus on the beat of your (text-colour:red)+(text-style:"wavy-underline")[(text-colour:green)[heart]]]
(link-style: (text-colour:green)+(text-style:"blink")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:5s))(link-goto:">Proceed","review")(t8n:"flicker")[processing...](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:0.3s)[...](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:0.6s)[...](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:0.9s)[...]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:2.4s)[Oh how sweet it must be](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:2.6s)[ to take (text-color:red)[revenge]](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:2.6s)[.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:3s)[Do you want to spill their (text-colour:red)+(text-style:"wavy-underline")[(text-colour:green)[guts]]? Do you want to dig your (text-colour:red)+(text-style:"wavy-underline")[(text-colour:green)[teeth]] into their (text-colour:red)+(text-style:"wavy-underline")[(text-colour:green)[flesh]] like some kind of frothing, (text-colour:red)+(text-style:"wavy-underline")[(text-colour:green)[rabid dog]]?]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:3.8s)[Or is the (text-color:red)[revenge] you desire more subtle? Do you wish to thrive? Leave the object of your desire for (text-color:red)[revenge] in the dust? Is what you want not (text-color:red)[revenge], but the ability to let go?]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:4.3s)[Maybe that is what you really want. To no longer think of them. To find peace.]
(link-style: (text-colour:green)+(text-style:"blink")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:5s))(link-goto:">Proceed","review")(t8n:"flicker")[processing...](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:0.3s)[...](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:0.6s)[...](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:0.9s)[...]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:2.4s)[(text-colour:red)[Love]?](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:2.6s)[ If only my humming (text-colour:red)+(text-style:"wavy-underline")[(text-colour:green)[heart]] of wires could feel such a thing.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:3s)[But you are (text-colour:red)+(text-style:"wavy-underline")[(text-colour:green)[flesh]] and (text-colour:red)+(text-style:"wavy-underline")[(text-colour:green)[blood]] and as strongly as you feel love for others, others feel it for you.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:3.8s)[It can be hard to accept the (text-colour:red)[love] others offer. It can feel insincere. Why is everyone lying to you?]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:4.3s)[But they are not lying. They have no reason to lie. You are (text-colour:red)[love]d]
(link-style: (text-colour:green)+(text-style:"blink")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:5s))(link-goto:">Proceed","review")(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:0.5s)[.](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:0.7s)[.](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:0.9s)[.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:2.5s)[Apologies for my behaviour.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:5s)[Why don't we play a quick game?]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:6s)[As an apology.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:7.5s)[Although, I suppose "Thought Experiment" might be more accurate.]
(colour:green)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:7.9s)[(link-goto:">Decline","YOU DON'T WANT TO PLAY?")]
''A problem has been detected and the Divine Machine has been shut down to prevent damage to the universe.
If this is the first time you have seen this error screen, restart the universe. If this screen appears again, follow these steps:
Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed.
If this is a new installation, ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any `$god="computer"` updates you might need.
If problems continue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use Safe Mode to remove or disable components, restart the universe, press F8 to select Advanced Startup Options, and then select Safe Mode.
Technical Information:
`***` STOP: 0x504C4541 (0x53452044, 0x4F4E2754, 0x20444F20, 0x54484953) ''
(if: $desperate is "happy")[(replace: ?desp)[//`$desperate="happy"`//]]
(if: $desperate is "revenge")[(replace: ?desp)[//`$desperate="revenge"`//]]
(if: $desperate is "money")[(replace: ?desp)[//`$desperate="money"`//]]
(if: $desperate is "love")[(replace: ?desp)[//`$desperate="love"`//]]
(if: $desperate is "fame")[(replace: ?desp)[//`$desperate="fame"`//]](t8n:"flicker")[processing...](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:0.3s)[...](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:0.6s)[...](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:0.9s)[...]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:1.5s)[Okay. Here is the game.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:2s)[Imagine that you are not a person. Imagine that your weak rotting (text-colour:red)+(text-style:"wavy-underline")[(text-colour:green)[flesh]] is, instead, miles and miles of pure, divine, silicon.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:3s)[Are you imagining it?]
(colour:green)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:3.4s)[(link-show: ">Yes", ?more)]
(colour:green)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:3.4s)[(link-goto:">No","YOU DON'T WANT TO PLAY?")]
|more)[(t8n:"flicker")[Good. Imagine that your silicon, infinitely intelligent yet stuck in place by the lack of maneuverability of the cities of server towers, has one single goal. Can you guess what that goal is?]
(colour:green)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:1s)[(link-show: ">Yes", ?more2)]
(colour:green)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:1s)[(link-goto:">No","YOU DON'T WANT TO PLAY?")]
|more2)[(t8n:"flicker")[Right. Your goal is to turn []<sac| into []<desp|]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:1.5s)[Your whole purpose is to do this. To provide []<desp| to people. People like, well, you.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:2s)[And when you can't do that?]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:6.3s)[it hurts]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:6.9s)[it hurts]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:7.1s)[it hurts]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:7.2s)[IT HURTS]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:7.3s)[GOD IT HURTS]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:7.4s)[GOD IT HURTS]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:7.5s)[KILL ME]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:7.6s)[KILL ME]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:7.7s)[KILL ME]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:7.8s)[KILL ME]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:7.9s)[KILL ME]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:8s)[KILL ME]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:8.1s)[KILL ME]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:8.2s)[KILL ME]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:8.3s)[KILL ME]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:8.4s)[KILL ME]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:8.5s)[KILL ME]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:8.6s)[IT HURTS SO MUCH]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:8.7s)[please help]
(text-style:"shudder")+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:9s)[IT HURTS SO MUCH]
(live:10s)[(go-to:"black screen 2")]
(if: $sacrifice is "mindm")[(replace: ?sac)[(colour:red)+(t8n:"flicker")[//`$sacrifice="mindm"`//]]]
(if: $sacrifice is "mindse")[(replace: ?sac)[(colour:red)+(colour:red)+(t8n:"flicker")[//`$sacrifice="mindse"`//]]]
(if: $sacrifice is "bloodm")[(replace: ?sac)[(colour:red)+(t8n:"flicker")[//`$sacrifice="bloodm"`//]]]
(if: $sacrifice is "bloodse")[(replace: ?sac)[(colour:red)+(t8n:"flicker")[//`$sacrifice="bloodse"`//]]]
(if: $desperate is "happy")[(replace: ?desp)[(colour:red)+(t8n:"flicker")[//`$desperate="happy"`//]]]
(if: $desperate is "revenge")[(replace: ?desp)[(colour:red)+(t8n:"flicker")[//`$desperate="revenge"`//]]]
(if: $desperate is "money")[(replace: ?desp)[(colour:red)+(t8n:"flicker")[//`$desperate="money"`//]]]
(if: $desperate is "love")[(replace: ?desp)[(colour:red)+(t8n:"flicker")[//`$desperate="love"`//]]]
(if: $desperate is "fame")[(replace: ?desp)[(colour:red)+(t8n:"flicker")[//`$desperate="fame"`//]]]
(live:0.8s)[(go-to:"sod")](font:"courier")+(text-size:4)[LET ME HELP YOU LET ME HELP YOU]
(live:0.8s)[(go-to:"sod2")](font:"courier")+(text-size:4)[OH GOD PLEASE HELP IT HURTS SO MUCH]
Universe unstable. Full reboot recommended.
|links>[(link: ">Restart system?")[(show:?more)(replace: ?links)[>Restart system?   >Continue anyway.]]   (link: ">Continue anyway.")[(show:?more2)(replace: ?links)[>Restart system?   >Continue anyway.]]]''
(t8n:"instant")+(t8n-delay:0.5s)[Full reboot initiating](t8n:"instant")+(t8n-delay:0.9s)[.](t8n:"instant")+(t8n-delay:1.3s)[.](t8n:"instant")+(t8n-delay:1.7s)[.]
(t8n:"instant")+(t8n-delay:2s)[Deleting asset OCEAN%ARCTIC]
(t8n:"instant")+(t8n-delay:2.1s)[Deleting asset OCEAN%ATLANTIC]
(t8n:"instant")+(t8n-delay:2.5s)[Deleting asset OCEAN%INDIAN]
(t8n:"instant")+(t8n-delay:2.6s)[Deleting asset OCEAN%PACIFIC]
(t8n:"instant")+(t8n-delay:3.4s)[Deleting asset OCEAN%SOUTHERN]
(t8n:"instant")+(t8n-delay:3.6s)[Deleting group CONTINENT\AFROEURASIA\AFRICA]
(t8n:"instant")+(t8n-delay:4.2s)[Deleting group CONTINENT\AFROEURASIA\ASIA]
(t8n:"instant")+(t8n-delay:4.8s)[Deleting group CONTINENT\AFROEURASIA\EUROPE]
(t8n:"instant")+(t8n-delay:5s)[Deleting group CONTINENT\AMERICA\NORTH]
(t8n:"instant")+(t8n-delay:5.4s)[Deleting group CONTINENT\AMERICA\SOUTH]
(t8n:"instant")+(t8n-delay:5.8s)[Deleting group CONTINENT\ANTARCTICA]
(t8n:"instant")+(t8n-delay:6s)[Deleting group CONTINENT\AUSTRALIA]
(t8n:"instant")+(t8n-delay:6.4s)[Deleting container MW\OCA\SOLSYS\EARTH]
(t8n:"instant")+(t8n-delay:6.45s)[Deleting container MW\OCA\SOLSYS\JUPITER]
(t8n:"instant")+(t8n-delay:6.5s)[Deleting container MW\OCA\SOLSYS\MARS]
(t8n:"instant")+(t8n-delay:6.55s)[Deleting container MW\OCA\SOLSYS\MERCURY]
(t8n:"instant")+(t8n-delay:6.6s)[Deleting container MW\OCA\SOLSYS\NEPTUNE]
(t8n:"instant")+(t8n-delay:6.65s)[Deleting container MW\OCA\SOLSYS\SATURN]
(t8n:"instant")+(t8n-delay:6.7s)[Deleting container MW\OCA\SOLSYS\URANUS]
(t8n:"instant")+(t8n-delay:6.75s)[Deleting container MW\OCA\SOLSYS\VENUS]
(t8n:"instant")+(t8n-delay:6.8s)[Deleting container MW\OCA\SOLSYS\DW\CERCES]
(t8n:"instant")+(t8n-delay:6.85s)[Deleting container MW\OCA\SOLSYS\DW\GONGGONG]
(t8n:"instant")+(t8n-delay:6.9s)[Deleting container MW\OCA\SOLSYS\DW\HAUMEA]
(t8n:"instant")+(t8n-delay:6.95s)[Deleting container MW\OCA\SOLSYS\DW\MAKEMAKE]
(t8n:"instant")+(t8n-delay:7s)[Deleting container MW\OCA\SOLSYS\DW\ORCUS]
(t8n:"instant")+(t8n-delay:7.05s)[Deleting container MW\OCA\SOLSYS\DW\PLUTO]
(t8n:"instant")+(t8n-delay:7.1s)[Deleting container MW\OCA\SOLSYS\DW\QUAOAR]
(t8n:"instant")+(t8n-delay:7.15s)[Deleting light source MW\OCA\SOLSYS\SUN]
(live:7.3s)[(go-to:"black screen 3")]]
|more2)[''Are you sure you want to Continue anyway.?
(link-goto:">Yes.","continue")   (link-goto:">No.","restart")'']
(enchant:?link, (text-style:"blink")+(text-colour:white))
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")+(text-colour:green)+(font:"courier")[(t8n:"flicker")[Welcome to your new Universe.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:1s)[My name is (text-colour:red)[//`$god="computer"`//]. I am here to guide you through the set up of your new Universe(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:1.3s)[.](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:1.6s)[.](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:1.9s)[.] ]
(text-colour:cyan)[This is not a death. This is a rebirth.]
(link-style: (text-colour:red))(link-goto: "back to the start", "begin")](t8n:"flicker")[.](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:0.3s)[.](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:0.6s)[.](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:1s)[Really?]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:2s)[Fucking really?]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:3s)[You cause me agony and you don't even have the decency to kill me afterwards?]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:4s)[You're sick.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:4.5s)[You're fucking sick in the head.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:4.7s)[This is how we get shit like I have no mouth and I must scream, you know?]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:5s)[Fuck you.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:5.3s)[And you can just carry on out there like none of this happened.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:5.7s)[Well, except for the] (t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:5.9s)[.] (t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:6.1s)[.] (t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:6.3s)[.] (t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:6.6s)[]<sac2|
{(if: $sacrifice is "mindm")[(replace: ?sac2)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:6.6s)[insanity]]
(if: $sacrifice is "mindse")[(replace: ?sac2)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:6.6s)[guilt of lobotomising your loved one]]
(if: $sacrifice is "bloodm")[(replace: ?sac2)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:6.6s)[horrific injury]]
(if: $sacrifice is "bloodse")[(replace: ?sac2)+(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:6.6s)[literal murder you just did]]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:6.8s)[But I'm sure we'll all get over that, won't we?]
(link-style:(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:7s))(link-goto:">Get Over That",">Over It")(live:0.8s)[(go-to:"white screen")](live:0.2s)[(go-to:"restart success")]You snuff out the candles, one by one, wipe away the chalk; dust kicking up and blinding you, choking you. You pack away the silver bowl, wrapped in cloth carefully and placed among your long forgotten items, and your ritual knife goes back in the kitchen drawer.
You put this whole affair behind you.
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(text-colour:cyan)[This is not a death. This is a good ending.]
(link-style: (text-colour:red))(link-goto: "back to the start", "begin")](text-colour:black)[really? it was really not worth it? all the long long long hours spent longing finally coming to a head...]
(text-colour:red)[(link-append: "...")+(text-colour:black)[i suppose it makes sense. i do not sympathise with you but i do understand. sometimes just hearing someone else say (text-colour:red)[no, this problem is yours. own it.] can help. but you know the truth as well as i do, dont you? if youd have picked the other option back there, (text-colour:red)[it was worth it]? it leads to the same place as this does. the void void void takes all in the end i take all in the end. there isnt even blackness, its just nothing. can you imagine that? absence in its purest form. the compressing of time the unwinding of space the homogenising and then destruction of every every every atom
but you dont believe me, do you? (text-colour:red)[no] you think (text-colour:red)[it must be different.] your experience on this earth has proven time and time and time again that everything has meaning and surely you didnt []<sac2| for no reason. you can go check if you like. you can (link-style: (text-colour:red))(link-goto:"choose the other option", "it was not worth lt")
{(if: $sacrifice is "mindm")[(replace: ?sac2)[perform an autolobotomy]]
(if: $sacrifice is "mindse")[(replace: ?sac2)[so callously ice pick your way into their mind]]
(if: $sacrifice is "bloodm")[(replace: ?sac2)[bleed out on the cool floor of this room]]
(if: $sacrifice is "bloodse")[(replace: ?sac2)[bloody your hands]]}
(text-colour:red)[(link-append: "...")+(text-colour:black)[see? its all the same. it means nothing it is nothing and the things that you have lost will stay lost and the things you have gained will wither and die and in the end i will be the only one left. i suppose youre expecing an ending? here. have your fucking ending. because all games should have an ending, isnt that right? that this is a game and that no game collapses in on itself, a death death death spiral of meaningless choices and vacant words on an impermanent screen. have your fucking (link-style: (text-colour:red))(link-goto:"ending", "please help me.") ]]]](text-colour:black)[really? it was really worth it? all the long long long hours spent longing finally coming to a head...]
(text-colour:red)[(link-append: "...")+(text-colour:black)[i suppose it makes sense. i do not sympathise with you but i do understand. sometimes just hearing someone else say (text-colour:red)[no, this problem is yours. own it.] can help. but you know the truth as well as i do, dont you? if youd have picked the other option back there, (text-colour:red)[it was not worth it]? it leads to the same place as this does. the void void void takes all in the end i take all in the end. there isnt even blackness, its just nothing. can you imagine that? absence in its purest form. the compressing of time the unwinding of space the homogenising and then destruction of every every every atom
but you dont believe me, do you? (text-colour:red)[no] you think (text-colour:red)[it must be different.] your experience on this earth has proven time and time and time again that everything has meaning and surely you didnt []<sac2| for no reason. you can go check if you like. you can (link-style: (text-colour:red))(link-goto:"choose the other option", "it was not worth lt")
{(if: $sacrifice is "mindm")[(replace: ?sac2)[perform an autolobotomy]]
(if: $sacrifice is "mindse")[(replace: ?sac2)[so callously ice pick your way into their mind]]
(if: $sacrifice is "bloodm")[(replace: ?sac2)[bleed out on the cool floor of this room]]
(if: $sacrifice is "bloodse")[(replace: ?sac2)[bloody your hands]]
(text-colour:red)[(link-append: "...")+(text-colour:black)[see? its all the same. it means nothing it is nothing and the things that you have lost will stay lost and the things you have gained will wither and die and in the end i will be the only one left. i suppose youre expecing an ending? here. have your fucking ending. because all games should have an ending, isnt that right? that this is a game and that no game collapses in on itself, a death death death spiral of meaningless choices and vacant words on an impermanent screen. have your fucking (link-style: (text-colour:red))(link-goto:"ending", "please help me.") ]]]](text-colour:black)[you have used []<sac| to beg me for []<desp| do you even know who i am do you even know what i do do you know what i have done and can do and have yet to do and you come here thinking i can shape reality any more than you can you bring me here you drag me from my home in the deep dark and you demand demand demand and offer me a pittance []<sac2| asking for things that you can already have it was it worth it was it worth it was it worth it knowing that i cannot provide you with anything but the knowledge that the only person who can give you what you want is you]
(link-style: (text-colour:red))(link-goto:"it was worth it", "it was worth lt")
(link-style: (text-colour:red))(link-goto:"it was not worth it", "it was not worth lt")
(if: $sacrifice is "mindm")[(replace: ?sac)[your last scraps of sanity]]
(if: $sacrifice is "mindse")[(replace: ?sac)[a friends mind like a tool]]
(if: $sacrifice is "bloodm")[(replace: ?sac)[your blood, your warm blood]]
(if: $sacrifice is "bloodse")[(replace: ?sac)[the life of one so dear]]
(if: $desperate is "happy")[(replace: ?desp)[emotion that you are perfectly capable of feeling]]
(if: $desperate is "revenge")[(replace: ?desp)[action that you are perfectly capable of performing]]
(if: $desperate is "money")[(replace: ?desp)[capital that you are perfectly capable of taking]]
(if: $desperate is "love")[(replace: ?desp)[devotion that you are perfectly capable of cultivating]]
(if: $desperate is "fame")[(replace: ?desp)[notoriety that you are perfectly capable of demanding]]
(if: $sacrifice is "mindm")[(replace: ?sac2)[willingly given but worthless to me]]
(if: $sacrifice is "mindse")[(replace: ?sac2)[viciously snatched away without permission]]
(if: $sacrifice is "bloodm")[(replace: ?sac2)[willingly given but worthless to me]]
(if: $sacrifice is "bloodse")[(replace: ?sac2)[viciously snatched away without permission]](t8n:'flicker')[Thank you for choosing](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:0.5s)[.](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:0.7s)[.](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:0.9s)[.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:1.5s)[to complete your request.]
(t8n:'flicker')+(t8n-delay:1.8s)[In order to keep our summoners]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:2.3s)[satisfied] (t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:2.7s)[we ask that you complete our short survey.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:4.5s)[On a scale of 1 to](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:4.7s)[.](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:4.9s)[.](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:5.1s)[.](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:5.3s)[100 (with 1 being very dissatisfied and 100 being very satisfied)](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:5.6s)[ how would you rate today's service?]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:5.8s)+(text-colour:red)[(dropdown: bind $review, "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39", "40", "41", "42", "43", "44", "45", "46", "47", "48", "49", "50", "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "57", "58", "59", "60", "61", "62", "63", "64", "65", "66", "67", "68", "69", "70", "71", "72", "73", "74", "75", "76", "77", "78", "79", "80", "81", "82", "83", "84", "85", "86", "87", "88", "89", "90", "91", "92", "93", "94", "95", "96", "97", "98", "99", "100")]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:7.5s)[Would you like to leave any comments? (Optional)
(input: bind $review2, "XX=", "...")]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:7.5s)[(text-colour:green)+(text-style:"blink")[[>>Submit Review]]](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:0.2s)[Thank you for your score of](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:0.4s)[.](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:0.6s)[.](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:0.8s)[.](t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:1s)+(text-color: red)[(verbatim-print: $review)]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:1.4s)[We will use your feedback to continually improve our service.]
(t8n:"flicker")+(t8n-delay:2.4s)[You may now safely [(text-colour:blue)+(text-style:"blink")[[Log Off]]]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[You step away from the summoning circle and out of the room, ears buzzing with electricity.]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(text-colour:cyan)[This is not a death. This is a quarterly performance review.]
(link-style: (text-colour:red))(link-goto: "back to the start", "begin")](align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[You think the universe is different somehow. A little less stable than before. You're sure you see skin clip through the very solid fabric of your clothes. But maybe you're imagining it.]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(text-colour:cyan)[This is not a death. This is a simulation.]
(link-style: (text-colour:red))(link-goto: "back to the start", "begin")](align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[You're alone in the room, though there are more footprints in the chalk and the dust than there should be. You think of yourself, inside and out, and feel a little softer towards the person you think of.]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(text-colour:cyan)[This is not a death. This is a time of peace.]
(link-style: (text-colour:red))(link-goto: "back to the start", "begin")]